The Dental Council of India (DCI) established by the Government of India in 1949 is a statutory body of the government.

It has 6 constituencies such as the Central Government, the State Government, the Universities, the Dental Colleges, the Medical Colleges, the Medical Council of India and the Private Practitioners of Dentistry.

The Dental Council of India receives its funds from Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. The council also receives nearly 25% share of fees collected by state dental councils every year from different resources under section 53 of the Dentists’ Act.

The council also receives some funds from other resources under section 10 A of the Dentists Act, 1948, as amended by the Dentists Amendment Act, 1993.

The main objectives of the Dental Council of India (DCI) are given as below.

  • Maintenance of uniform standards of Dental Education – both at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. (a) It envisages inspections/visitations of Dental Colleges for permission to start Dental colleges, increase of seats, starting of new P.G. courses (as per provisions of section 10A of the Act).
  • To prescribe the standard curricula for the training of dentists, dental hygienists, dental mechanics and the conditions for such training.
  • To prescribe the standards of examinations and other requirements to be satisfied to secure for qualifications recognition under the Act.

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