The Physical Research Laboratory established the Plasma Physics Programme (PPP) in 1982 with Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India. This programme was later transformed into autonomous Institute for Plasma Research of Department of Atomic Energy in 1986.

The institute started full fledged tokamak experiments in 1989. In 1995, the Institute started the development work of second generation superconducting steady state tokamak SST – 1 capable of 1000 second operation in 1995. The Institute is known world over for its research on Plasma Physics and has a scientific and engineering manpower of 200 with core competency in theoretical plasma physics, computer modeling, superconducting magnets and cryogenics, ultra high vacuum, pulsed power, microwave and RF, computer-based control and data acquisition and industrial, environmental and strategic plasma applications.

The Institute offers the plasma research activities in the following categories.

  • Studies on high temperature magnetically confined plasmas
  • Basic experiments in plasma physics including free electron laser, dusty plasmas and other nonlinear phenomena
  • Industrial plasma processing and application

The institute offers Ph.D. research fellowships and post doctoral in the areas related to Plasma Physics. There are also the summer programmes offered for those students who are studying in M.Sc. (Physics) first year and this programme allows students to interact with leading physicists through a series of lectures.

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